
    Time In vs. Timing

    Should I try to time the markets?

    You may have heard people say this before, but trying to time the markets is incredibly difficult and very few people are able to succeed in this way. Those that do, typically, are highly experienced money managers, working for big investment firms with access to vast resources and data that the average investor does not have. The idea with trying to time the market is that an investor thinks they can speculate on when certain businesses, industries, or the market as a whole, will go up or down in the near future and with that information will put money in or take money out accordingly. 

    Money is Like a Bar of Soap

    The more you touch it, the less you have...

    In the world of finance, saying that money is like a bar of soap seems pretty crazy at first glance, but bear with me for just a second and it might not seem so crazy after all. Just like a bar of soap gets smaller as you use it, investments tend to lose value when excessively traded or overly managed.  

    A Guide to Benefits When Changing Jobs

    If you’re changing jobs, you probably have a lot on your mind. As you wrap up work with your previous employer and prepare for your new role, it can be easy to let important benefits-related decisions fall by the wayside. If that happens, you could miss a limited opportunity to sign up for new benefits or miss out on making wise changes to your plans. To stay on track financially during a career transition, be sure to review the status of your retirement accounts and other valuable employee benefits.